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Martin Port blog: Deactivate to Reactivate

Deactivate to reactivate

Want to know how to be a more effective entrepreneur and leader? Take some time off. It may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true: ensuring that you have enough downtime each
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BigChange Chairman, Martin Port, is deaf and proud

Deaf and Proud

I have lived with acute hearing loss for most of my life. Over the past year, my hearing has deteriorated – I am now profoundly deaf to high-frequency sounds. Amazing
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No more empty desks

Nothing beats the buzz of a lively office. The chatter of colleagues. The dynamic presentations in meeting rooms. The tea rounds and sharing of treats. It all contributes to the
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In search of innovation

As an entrepreneur and investor, I’m always keen to find out about new technologies and new inventions that will shape the industries of the future. These days, innovation moves so
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We all deserve a chance

I’m not an angry man. I rarely lose my temper. But when I think about the chronic shortage of opportunities for people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties, I’ll admit,
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