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Our fully integrated CRM gives you a 360˚ view of every account, contact site and contract. Deliver positive customer experiences at every level, thanks to an array of dynamic product features.

  • See customer info and history instantly
  • Log tasks and activities as you go
  • Fast, efficient call handling and tracking

JobWatch running on a laptop, organising mobile workers.
Contacts are GDPR compliant


Grow your database with simple contact set-up, find contacts fast via Google Maps, and get an overview of all your contacts and territories. Plus, create multiple contact groups, as well as custom fields for specific data. 

Efficient GDPR compliance

Carry out GDPR compliant management of an individuals’ data within the system, including opt-in preferences. Anonymise data, and add flags to segment contacts for financial or marketing purposes. 

Easy Case Management with tickets and notes

Log every call, email and customer interaction, and never lose key information. Share and allocate cases through custom tickets and notes, plus @tags to keep your people updated. 

Person custom fields

Now you can store even more information on your BigChange contact. Adding custom fields alongside the standard name and address details, provides the opportunity for additional information such as a LinkedIn profile.

Microsoft Outlook add-in feature

Microsoft Outlook Add-In 

When you’re sharing important information over email, you can also add it to your BigChange Notes with just a few clicks. Our Microsoft Outlook add-in allows you to seamlessly attach selected emails and documents to Notes, either from within your desktop Outlook app or from Outlook Online. This means that important information can be stored centrally against Notes in the CRM without leaving Outlook, facilitating remote working and allowing access for any user with a laptop or device and an internet connection.

Back-office workflows and automations

Our back office workflows that ensure your procedures are followed every time. Such as a customer survey automatically emailed to check that your people have done the job right.  

Back-office workflows and automations
Automated communications template


Create custom-branded templates that automate emails and other routine communications; including dynamic data fields for personalised customer and account information.

Import data, knowledge base and VOIP integration example
  • Easily import data from other systems with our templates
  • Create multiple access levels to suit different roles or sites, so people only see what they need to
  • Our Knowledge Base drives back office productivity by making sure your people have all the information they need
  • VOIP telephone integration loads CRM details instantly, so you save time and impress your customers with a personal greeting
Microsoft Word logo

Microsoft Word Add-In 

Our Microsoft Word Add-In gives you a new level of flexibility for creating customised documents and emails. Create your own personalised financial documents, certificates, health & safety forms, job cards and emails. Working in Word, you use BigChange keywords to pull in the relevant information such as job and customer details, job card answers with photos, job costs and other related information. Combine this with all the features of Word to create an impactful document. Once you’re happy with the layout, the template can be uploaded to BigChange, ready and waiting for next time.

Microsoft Word add-in on laptop

Discover the difference
bigchange can make to
your business.



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