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Sharing experiences from
exceptional people



Kevin Keegan OBE, who became a BigChange ambassador in 2019, has a wealth of leadership knowledge: everything from motivating a team to inspiring extraordinary endeavours. He captained and managed England, and led Newcastle United from Division 2 to finish second in one of the most competitive seasons the Premier League has ever seen. As a player he won three First Division titles, the UEFA Cup twice, the FA Cup, the European Cup and the Bundesliga, and was twice named European Footballer of the Year. Now a BigChange ambassador, Kevin shares his experiences with the company’s team and customers, inspiring them to become better leaders and deliver world-class performances.

“Management in football is similar to business. You’ve got to get the best out of your people and you’ve got to keep delivering year after year. The companies that are successful are those where leaders are passionate about making progress, they want to see how far they can take their ideas and they inspire that passion and commitment among their people too. I see that passion at BigChange and I’m excited about working with the team and its customers. There’s a great buzz at BigChange, there’s a nice mix of youth and experience, and not only can I give something to help take the company forward, I can learn things here too.”

Nic Hamilton

BigChange couldn’t be more excited to partner with Nic Hamilton in his quest for motor sports success. As a inspirational person, dedicated driver and strongly committed member of the road safety community, Nic represents exactly what hard work, drive and never giving up can achieve. We look forward to sharing in Nic’s upcoming races and support him and the Leaders for Life community in promoting road safety and driver accountability.

I’ve partnered with BigChange since 2017. I met BigChange, and its Chairman Martin Port, though a motivation speaking engagement for their monthly motivational Monday event. At first it was just another talk, nothing out of the normal. But soon I realised that BigChange was genuine and family oriented. The event at the time was only 20 people. The whole event reminded me of what I really care about, that business is not just about money, its more about the relationships.


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