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What is Smart Scheduling and why does it matter?

6 June 2019

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> What is Smart Scheduling and why does it matter?

Many factors can impact the success of your staff in the field and how your customers respond to the service visit.

As we addressed in previous blogs; customer satisfaction and technician productivity directly impact the profitability of service providers. To best improve customer satisfaction and technician productivity it is vital to integrate a smart scheduling functionality, such as those available through JobWatch by BigChange, into your mobile service workforce.

Building customer loyalty and a motivated staff dictate the long-term success of a business. When your customers are happy and your team is dedicated and qualified for the job at hand, your bottom line sees the reward. With the implementation of a smart scheduling system, such as JobWatch by BigChange, your back office can better dispatch technicians, organise appointments and keep customers in the loop with ease.

Building an accurate schedule to accomplish this goal can be a huge challenge on operational managers, with an integrated smart scheduling system, this worry can become a thing of the past.

What defines ‘Smart Scheduling’?

Intelligent or so-called ‘smart scheduling systems enable the back office and the mobile workforce a clear channel of communication to deploy the best-qualified technician, tradesman, salesperson or estimator to a specific location or service appointment. Smart scheduling systems, such as the comprehensive mobile workforce management software, JobWatch by BigChange takes into account skills, product-knowledge, territories and proximity and instantly provides a list of qualified personnel able to be dispatched to any location with the click of a button.

Smart scheduling functionality, often through a broader job management or mobile workforce management system helps utilise driver tracking data and staff skills to deploy the best person for any job. By simplifying the dispatching process, customers receive better service personalised to their specific needs and, through the use of an integrated system, can also provide service technicians all the information essential to meeting any service requirement- from inventory and mandatory safety workflows to instant invoicing and customer history reports.

How does this provide added value to your business?

Smart scheduling functionality, such as those included in JobWatch, the comprehensive mobile workforce management platform, guides you to the perfect resource for each job.

Smart scheduling systems rely upon a number of factors in order to accurately dispatch and organise the best technician for any service request. These include:

  • Real-time resource location
  • live-traffic information
  • job constraints (such as skills or qualifications)
  • Type of vehicle
  • Inventory
  • Detailed service information
  • Customer history and requirements

The implementation of a smart scheduling system allows your business to respond faster and optimises travel distance. In practice, Field service companies can improve their productivity by approximately 68% and decrease their scheduling costs by 15% with the integration of a smart scheduling system.

Smart scheduling also gives employees an easy way to organise and view their working schedules by using mobile applications, which provide an interactive and accessible way to view changes to their schedule. Through these apps, employees can set their preferences on working availability, choosing their most optimal times of work, as well as view schedules, receive notifications of changes, send alerts, offer and accept additional shifts, and even request time off.”

The use of comprehensive job management systems with smart scheduling functionality can provide lower costs, faster resource deployment and less speeding (as jobs are spaced out properly) to the benefit of your customers. With the use of a smart scheduling system, you can turn idle time into working time while boosting responsiveness to improve customer satisfaction.

JobWatch by BigChange gives you all the features you need:

BigChange’s 5-in-1 platform enables businesses of all sizes to better manage and monitor many of the most significant factors driving customer satisfaction. With BigChange, your back office can easily monitor, schedule & dispatch service requests to optimise your team’s strongest skills and prevent unneeded travel. Using advanced smart scheduling technology, JobWatch by BigChange can optimise your business, improving technician response times and productivity by over 10%.

Through the use of an integrated Mobile Workforce Management platform, technicians have access to critical service data and can be supplied essential parts to resolve any service request with the click of a button.

Additionally, the use of preventative maintenance workflows directed via the Mobile workforce management system dramatically improves the rate in which service technicians resolve all issues fully, while also alerting the operator to any upcoming scheduled maintenance.

By improving transparency and collaboration between all aspects of operations through the implementation of mobile workforce management software, such as BigChange, your business can drastically improve productivity, collaboration and customer retention.

To learn more about how JobWatch by BigChange can help you plan, manage, schedule and organise your business click Here.

6th June 2019


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