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Local tech trailblazer BigChange celebrates its 5th Birthday

26 February 2018

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> Local tech trailblazer BigChange celebrates its 5th Birthday

BigChange, the fast-growing Leeds tech business owned by local entrepreneur Martin Port, is celebrating its fifth birthday.

The company’s innovative cloud-based service helps businesses with mobile workers – such as service engineers and delivery drivers – manage their entire business operation using mobile apps on tablets and smartphones.

BigChange has won multiple awards since starting up in 2013 and last year BigChange was ranked as the 12th fastest growing Technology business in the North. The company has seen turnover virtually double every year and with a projection to reach £40 million turnover in the next three years, the company is set to become a key employer in the region.

“Prior to BigChange, our industry was dominated by big IT players that offered costly, complex systems that were the preserve of Big Business. We set out to change all that with a completely new approach made possible by advances in cloud computing and mobile technologies,” says Martin Port, BigChange CEO. “With our innovative JobWatch platform, we have democratised the industry, creating a simple, scalable platform that lets any business manage its whole operation all the way from quote to invoice on a mobile or tablet,”

The BigChange system is now used by over 15,000 subscribers across over 600 SME and corporate clients. BigChange works out of the box, offering rapid implementation for any business. Clients include local businesses such as Nixon Hire, Elliott Group, Hopkins Catering, Jet Aire and Hargreaves Logistics. Multinational users also include Silentnight and Komatsu.

“Our paperless all-in-one Mobile Workforce Management platform is transforming the way they work,” explains Port. “I am especially proud to be making a difference in my local community in Leeds where BigChange has created real opportunity and we are supporting local people through our various charity initiatives.”

BigChange is about to launch an on-demand service app that will allow customers to book, compare and pay for services at the touch of a button. Provided free-to-download through the standard online App Stores, businesses can easily configure for their needs and brand as their own.

26th February 2018


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