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BigChange launches new scheduling application to save small companies thousands of pounds a month

5 August 2013

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> BigChange launches new scheduling application to save small companies thousands of pounds a month

Scheduling Assistant for revolutionary JobWatch system New application reduces travel time per job and increases billable time Small fleets already making savings in excess of £5,000 per month.

BigChange, the mobile workforce technology company, today announced the launch of Scheduling Assistant, a revolutionary new service enabling businesses of all size to maximise the capacity and efficiency of their mobile workforces.

Available as part of BigChange’s online JobWatch system, Scheduling Assistant connects to mobile workers’ diaries and telematics systems, to help back office personnel pick the lowest cost mobile worker with available time within an agreed customer service level.

Scheduling Assistant considers a wide range of factors – including the existing schedule, location, capability and rate of each mobile worker – to calculate the travel time, distance and total cost associated with assigning new jobs to them. These considerations include return journeys to base or their next job.

Back office personnel are able to allocate and dispatch a job within seconds. The customer will get immediate notification of the appointment, which they can accept instantly and get real time progress updates. The job is added automatically to the schedule on the appropriate employee’s BigChange mobile computer.

Customers already using the BigChange Scheduling Assistant have dramatically increased the amount of billable time available for each mobile worker. Early adopters have been able to extract more than £500 worth of additional billable time a month for each mobile worker and achieve significant reductions in travel time. It has also helped reduce fuel consumption, typically saving 300 miles per month for each mobile worker.

Martin Port, CEO of BigChange, comments:

“Scheduling Assistant uses the power of real-time data and 4G mobile technologies to help businesses quickly, simply and accurately plan service jobs, deliveries and collections. Early trials have shown its potential to save small businesses thousands of pounds a month worth of time and nearly a full tank of fuel per employee.”

“Scheduling Assistant comes free with JobWatch and can help all businesses with mobile workers succeed in these challenging economic times. It has been developed to help the millions of tradesmen, commercial delivery drivers and blue-collar entrepreneurs that are the backbone of our economy increase productivity, maximise billable time and provide the level of customer service only the largest commercial vehicle operators could previously afford.”

For more information please contact:

James Taylor | Roaring Mouse PR
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)114 3600716 | M: +44 (0)7796 138291

5th August 2013


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