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Meet Freddie – focusing on making sure customers get the best from BigChange

1 April 2022

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> Meet Freddie – focusing on making sure customers get the best from BigChange

Our BigChange team is made up of amazing people and they want to share a snapshot of what it’s like to work in one of the varied roles around BigChange. Our next colleague is Freddie from the Product team.

Hello, I’m Freddie Carr, and I am a Junior Product Manager focusing on Templated Sites here at BigChange.

My responsibilities

The team I’m working as part of set out to help deliver a company-wide objective to provide an enhanced frictionless onboarding process for all new customers. The aim was to help make the customer experience of learning the system and developing your bespoke site as efficient and seamless as possible. Our project has since grown to be key in identifying how the BigChange system can be used to support customers’ best practices.

We create Templated Sites, which provide pre-built content for new customers based on industry-specific processes and requirements. We are developing sites with pre-populated configuration items such as job types, worksheets and automations. These are then used to show new customers how the BigChange system can be used to support best practices according to their industry. These items can be anything from favourite views to timesheet activities, and where we hope to add the most value is through further development of the scheduling, automation and reporting aspects of the BigChange system.

By providing a range of example guidance configuration items, we aim to help customers in two ways. First, to understand how they can create their bespoke BigChange system to best support the work they do. Our customers come to us as experts in their field, and we want to make the onboarding process and shift into paperless, mobile, and efficient ways of working as seamless as possible. The comprehensive nature of our system means there is so much to discover that could help your customers, and we want to show you those as quickly and effectively as possible.

In order to get the best out of the system and identify which features could make a lasting impact on their customers, we want to help point them in the right direction. By providing instructional support through pre-populated items, we achieve the second delivery aim of our project, which is to provide these items so our customers can quickly understand the system and realise value from their investment in a BigChange system as soon as possible. Ultimately we are trying to build the best way for customers to use BigChange.

What’s next?

We are now able to see how newly onboarded customers have taken their prebuilt content and run with it; making them their own, changing and deleting provided items as necessary and using our sample guidance as examples to drive their BigChange hygiene and management. In the coming months I am looking forward to collecting customer feedback from our newer customers who were onboarded with the first iterations of our Templated Sites, and to see how customers have further developed their sites using our exemplar guidance content. This will help us learn from our first versions to further develop our pre-built content. I am also looking forward to building industry-standard reports for future, improved iterations of the sites.

Our long-term aim is to create a comprehensive content library where customers have full access to browse and download a range of features and reports to meet their business needs. Our research and the content that is currently being built will be the basis for this system change.

I am also excited to be a part of developing BigChange systems to ensure we are empowering our customers in their transition to electric and sustainable fleets. Exciting breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and machine learning will have a significant impact not only on how we develop the product but also will become more of a part of the product itself.

Customer input

I would love to speak with any individuals who were involved in their onboarding process with BigChange to get their feedback on the setup of their system.”

Freddie Carr, Junior Product Manager

In addition, any feedback from newly onboarded customers who were provided with our pre-built content would really be appreciated. Customer interviews and first-hand accounts of system use are integral to our team’s understanding of how we can best help new customers and we are very grateful for those we have spoken to thus far.

The features within the BigChange system are extremely varied and comprehensive. Because of this, there is sometimes a gap between what the system is capable of and what customers are aware of. I would love to help customers better understand their system so they can get value from the full extent of its features. I hope that as part of the Templated Sites project, I can help achieve this!

1st April 2022


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