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BigChange delivers boost to British business with Xero integration

7 June 2020

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> BigChange delivers boost to British business with Xero integration

The power of BigChange seamlessly integrated with your Xero accounting software.

Business owners in the UK and beyond will now be able to manage their workforce, schedule jobs, meet health and safety requirements, and issue invoices, without having to waste time updating their accountancy package separately.

Leeds-based BigChange, which has created a 5-in-1 technology platform for managing mobile workers, has announced a seamless integration with online accountancy giant Xero.

The move promises to eliminate the need for ‘double keying’, whereby information has to be re-entered into separate apps or software packages. Research shows that this ‘double keying’ can lead to workers wasting as much as two hours in front of a screen each day.

BigChange founder Martin Port commented:

“We all rely on technology to run our businesses – and our lives. Apps and software make us more efficient, and remove a lot of the grunt work, allowing us to focus on the stuff that really matters. But when these apps can’t communicate with each other, we are forced to type out the same data over and over, which increases the risk of errors creeping into records.”

“It has always been our aim at BigChange to bring the world’s best software systems onto our platform. I am delighted that Xero, a leading online accounts software, is now available to our users.”

Users are able to access Xero through a user-friendly link in BigChange. Settings are configured directly in JobWatch and contacts, financial information, and invoices are easily and securely passed between the two systems in real-time. This makes it easy to see the most and least profitable jobs, for example.

Early adopters claim that the BigChange integration with Xero has already been a significant time-saver.

Julie Simpson, financial advisor at CRS Communications (Fire & Security specialists) said:

“The integration between Xero and BigChange is fantastic as records are completely synchronised between the two systems, saving us literally hours of time.”

“It makes our job a lot easier and we are much more efficient.”

According to Michael Cairns, managing director at Celsius Plumbing & Heating,

“The BigChange/Xero link not only saves a lot of admin time but on my mobile phone, I can immediately see what’s been invoiced and access our financials, anywhere, anytime. It basically unlocks accounts and opens opportunities to improve the way we work as a business.”

When invoices are created in BigChange’s JobWatch system, the information is automatically passed to Xero.

“The new link between BigChange & Xero is now seamless and instant no delays. We only have to enter data once and that cuts hours off our admin time. Now anyone can raise an invoice we don’t have to rely solely on the accounts team. This system automation will allow us to grow without increasing our back office headcount.”

BigChange not only drives efficiencies, it also allows users to team up through its network. This helps customers to scale, taking on new jobs and trusted tradespeople across multiple geographies with little risk.

According to Chris Langrick, chartered accountant and director of Langricks, the Xero integration will encourage even more forward-thinking accountants to recommend BigChange to their clients.

Chris explained:

“Accountants need to be thinking about how they can advise their clients to use technology to operate in a more efficient manner,”

“BigChange’s Platform offers many advantages and now that financial information automatically ingrates with Xero, it’s even more attractive; a no brainer. In these uncertain times, there has never been a greater need to embrace the benefits of smart technologies like BigChange.”

Watch the Video:

7th June 2020


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