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BigChange job management tech boosts Omnia Plumbing and Heating

16 August 2022

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> BigChange job management tech boosts Omnia Plumbing and Heating

Omnia Plumbing and Heating is using the latest job management technology from BigChange to achieve award-winning product and service innovation and customer satisfaction.

Named as ‘Plumbing Company of the Year’ in the Manchester and North-West Prestige Awards, Omnia uses BigChange to improve communication, increase efficiency and reduce costs. The cloud-based platform, with live-linked tablets, is also helping Omnia minimise its environmental impact with reduced paper and fuel consumption and improve job completion reporting eliminating lost revenue.

“Before BigChange, we had a standalone diary system, separate accounting software and no CRM, which meant countless phone calls and lots of wasted time,” commented Alastair Barton, Omnia owner and Managing Director. “BigChange appealed to us at it offered a one-stop shop, ticking all our boxes for overall functionality, specific features, peer reviews, support and price, to name just a few.

“Since implementing BigChange, our customer interaction has vastly improved with automated ETAs and updates, and project-specific information available wherever and whenever it’s needed. The vehicle tracking also means we never miss billing a job which saves us literally tens of thousands of pounds every year!”

Alastair Barton, Omnia owner and MD

Omnia offers plumbing and heating services to domestic and commercial customers across Cheshire and south Manchester. Working closely with property developers, builders, landlords and property investment businesses, Omnia installs and maintains plumbing and heating services for new build, refurbished and rental properties. Formerly known as Boilercare 24/7, Omnia was rebranded in 2020 to reflect growth in demand for energy-saving solutions and the design and installation of multi-boiler and renewable systems in high-end residential building projects.

Omnia uses the BigChange job management software, which incorporates customer relationship management (CRM), job scheduling, live tracking, resource management, job finance and business intelligence in one simple-to-use and easy-to-integrate platform to coordinate its field teams with back office staff. Customer interactions are recorded using the CRM, and automated scheduling and vehicle tracking provide real-time updates for clients, contractors and other team members.

Vehicle management features, complete with daily checks and alerts for routine maintenance and servicing, ensure Omnia maintains its fleet to the highest standards, and the company is also looking to introduce a monthly award for the best driver based on individual driving styles recorded by the BigChange job management app.

Omnia Plumbing & Heating working in the back office on two screens using BigChange software
Omnia uses the BigChange job management system, which incorporates customer relationship management (CRM), job scheduling, live tracking, resource management, job finance and business intelligence in one simple-to-use and easy-to-integrate platform to coordinate its field teams with back office staff.

16th August 2022


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