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BigChange named British Business Enabler of the Year

14 November 2022

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> BigChange named British Business Enabler of the Year

BigChange, the job management software company, is celebrating victory at the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards, the UK’s most prestigious national awards programme honouring the innovation, success, and resilience of British business.

The company picked up The Business Enabler of the Year Award, which celebrates outstanding businesses that help their customers to increase sales and profitability and gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. BigChange is the first job management software company to win this award.

The award recognised BigChange’s contribution to helping its small and medium-sized business customers transform operational efficiency, productivity and customer service and for using its position to promote best practices, safer driving and compliant ways of working with field teams.

BigChange has won 300 new customers since the start of 2022 and is now used by 1,900 organisations worldwide in sectors including building maintenance, fire and security, plumbing and heating, waste management, and electrical contracting.

Richard Warley, Chief Executive Officer at BigChange, comments:

“We are absolutely thrilled to win such a prestigious award. The judges recognised the role we’ve played transforming how thousands of trades businesses manage jobs and mobile workers, and the huge positive impact it has made to their productivity, profitability and customer experience.”

Richard Warley, BigChange CEO

BigChange CEO Richard Warley
BigChange CEO Richard Warley

14th November 2022


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