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The Queen, helping Britain grow stronger for 70 years

31 May 2022

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> The Queen, helping Britain grow stronger for 70 years

BigChange is thrilled to join the nation in celebrating the Platinum Jubilee and honour the Queen’s 70 years on the throne.

Through her dedicated public service, patronage and role as head of state, she’s become an indelible part of national life. Her time as monarch has generated enormous affection and pride at home and prestige for the United Kingdom abroad.

There’s a lot to be grateful for this weekend, but we would particularly like to thank the Queen for being an incredible champion of British business and innovation.

Since 1965, the Queen’s Award for Enterprise has recognised and elevated over 6,000 companies like BigChange.

On behalf of all of us, thank you and congratulations, Your Majesty.

31st May 2022


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