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BigChange Mobile Workforce Technology Signposts Business Growth for Skratch AV

1 April 2021

Home > Audio Visual

> BigChange Mobile Workforce Technology Signposts Business Growth for Skratch AV

Skratch AV, one of the UK’s leading innovators in audio video and digital signage, has achieved significant business growth and market prominence since implementing mobile workforce management technology from BigChange.

Working for brands such as ASDA, ASICS, FootAsylum, Puma, Tesco, JCDecaux and Clear Channel, the family-run company has revolutionised the management of its mobile operation with the all-in-one job management solution. During this growth, the BigChange system has enabled efficient internal systems including vehicle tracking, job planning, job reporting and CRM. 

Skratch AV installs and maintains audio video and digital signage into both retail and out-of-home (OOH) advertising and its advanced Content Management System ‘Skratch CMS’ allow customers to design, schedule, manage and report for any display, video wall, LED configuration or kiosk. From its headquarters in Telford, Skratch supports its clients with a team of engineers that operate across the UK and Europe.

Ian Beeley, Managing Director of Skratch AV commented:

“BigChange has provided a solid base for our internal processes and workforce management by combining vehicle tracking, job reporting and CRM”.

“We have continued to operate throughout the pandemic, supporting our clients that utilise digital signage to deploy essential up to date Covid information and reduce the need to have store staff changing traditional print POS displays on the shop floor. Being able to manage the workforce from anywhere via the BigChange application has been a vital part of this service.”

Prior to implementing the single platform CRM, Job Scheduling, Mobile App, Tracking and Customer Portal, from BigChange, Skratch relied on excel spreadsheets or independent applications for 90 percent of business documentation and reporting. Stock levels, sales leads, mileage reports, job sheets, etc. were all manually recorded and updated requiring a significant administrative resource and potential for error. Using the JobWatch mobile app has allowed Skratch to automate the production and communication of essential management information and in turn be more reactive to client requests.

Ian Beeley continued:

“During times of business growth, it is important to ensure that there are no restrictions that can impede it. The BigChange application has been robust and provided the solutions we have needed when we have needed them”.

“Our growth has been easy to manage as our processes are improved and automated. It’s a simple task to add new clients to the systems and from then on BigChange makes it easy for us to look after them in the same professional way we look after all our clients”.

“The support from the BigChange RoadCrew has also been first class and, as we continue to expand, we will explore different aspects of the solution including the collaboration network. We would certainly advocate BigChange as a resource for any business operating with a mobile workforce”.

1st April 2021


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