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BigChange Boosts Facilities Management Services Productivity at Nserv

10 March 2021

Home > Building Maintenance

> BigChange Boosts Facilities Management Services Productivity at Nserv

Facilities management company Nserv has boosted management productivity by 70 per cent after rolling out a new digital system for its direct contract work.

The 5 in 1 mobile resource management system from BigChange provides Nserv with a single platform CRM, job scheduling, job management, mobile app and vehicle tracking solution.

Nserv provides property maintenance services, building projects and electrical works throughout London, the South East and Home Counties. With headquarters in Essex, Nserv’s team of 30 multi-skilled engineers use rugged tablets and smartphones running JobWatch, the BigChange mobile app that synchronises with back office software to provide a paperless, real-time system.

Nserv has seen rapid expansion with a turnover increasing from less than £1million to £5million in just 3 years after winning a major contract with facilities management group Cloud FM. The company has ambitious plan to further expand services and Nserv see BigChange as the ideal IT platform to underpin that growth.

Dean Barber, Managing Director, Nserv said:

“BigChange was recommended to us by another FM services company and the system has quickly become an indispensable tool. As a completely digital system it has eliminated laborious paper shuffling and replaced all our disconnected systems to bring everything into one place, for our expanding direct service operations, BigChange has dramatically cut management and administrative time. What used to take all day is now achieved in 3 hours, boosting our productivity by 70 percent.

Nserv engineers receive their worksheets through the JobWatch app which they then use for all tasks onsite; completing method statements, capturing before and after photographs and generating their Job Cards – instantly updating the back office system on job completion. BigChange also integrates with Sage accounting software which is seamlessly updated when invoices are raised.

Barber says:

“With JobWatch we have complete visibility of all jobs 24/7. Gone are the days of chasing up engineer reports and when there is an issue, everything we need is a just one click away. It’s just so convenient and a fantastic management tool,”

For fleet management, Nserv has improved scheduling to optimise routes and improve job allocation based on skills, reducing trips to the office and cutting mileage. Engineers also undertake their vehicle inspections using JobWatch giving management a complete view of all defects. The integrated vehicle tracking is also proving useful; not only for providing accurate ETA’s but also for driver monitoring with alerts set up for speeding and entering congestion charge zones.

As an essential service provider, Nserv has been busy during COVID lockdowns. Barber adds:

“Luckily BigChange was working before the first lockdown so as a paperless, cloud solution we were able to carry on seamlessly. And the No Touch signature capture feature developed by BigChange has proved to be a very useful addition for getting sign-offs safely and remotely.”

Nserv employee using a BigChange mobile device to increase is organise his workflow

10th March 2021


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