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Kiwi Facilities Maintenance Boosts Productivity with BigChange Mobile Workforce Management Software

7 January 2021

Home > Building Maintenance

> Kiwi Facilities Maintenance Boosts Productivity with BigChange Mobile Workforce Management Software

Facilities maintenance company Kiwi FM has increased productivity by 20 percent since it introduced mobile workforce management technology from BigChange.

Working with high street names such as KFC and Starbucks, Kiwi offers a range of premises maintenance services including electrical, mechanical, compliance and building fabric trades. Using the cloud based, 5-in-1 BigChange system has allowed Kiwi to consolidate its planning, reporting and finance into a single system which has reduced back-office administration, increased engineers’ productivity and improved cash flow.

Kiwi has also recently implemented the BigChange online portal allowing customers to raise and book jobs directly online. Through the portal they can also track the progress of the work through to completion and invoicing, backed up with job sheet records, times and dates, and photographs from site.

Dan Jowett, Managing Director of Yorkshire based Kiwi Facilities Maintenance commented:

“We actually implemented BigChange at the start of the first COVID lockdown and it made a huge difference”.

“With everything online anyone can log in, from the office, home or on-site, and access the information they need. This played an integral part of us maintaining a successful business at such a difficult time”.

Dan continued:

“But BigChange is not just about maintaining”.

“BigChange is about improving and, since implementing the JobWatch mobile app and BigChange management tools, we have been able to complete 20 percent more jobs each week. BigChange has also made a dramatic improvement to our cash flow which has helped us to forecast more accurately using real time information”.

Providing a single platform CRM, Job Management, Job Scheduling, Mobile App, Vehicle Tracking and Online Portal, the BigChange solution has replaced multiple systems within Kiwi. A consolidated solution BigChange is saving administration resource, improving reporting and boosting customer service with real time updates. BigChange’s building maintenance job management software is also helping Kiwi achieve its goal of a paperless operation with all documents stored, accessed and updated in the cloud.

Dan concluded:

“The best thing about BigChange is that it is an all-in-one package that does everything we need; one screen, one login”.

“We have an exciting new venture coming up that will see a new service arm for the business, and we will totally support this with BigChange. We are also looking to explore the BigChange Collaboration Network to expand our geographical reach and service offering”.

7th January 2021


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