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BigChange Boosts Productivity for GasTech HVAC Installation and Maintenance Services

5 March 2019

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> BigChange Boosts Productivity for GasTech HVAC Installation and Maintenance Services

GasTech, the nationwide supplier of heating and cooling systems and services has deployed the latest mobile technology as part of a new cloud-based management system.

GasTech engineers have been equipped with rugged tablets that are connected in real-time to central management systems, part of a 5-in-1 hvac service software solution from BigChange.

GasTech supply, install and service heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for commercial and industrial premises across the UK. Operating 24 hours, 7 days a week services, the BigChange technology has revolutionised GasTech’s business by eliminating paperwork and providing live operational information for improved control, productivity and service.

With headquarters near Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, GasTech was first established in 2005. Prior to implementing BigChange’s gas engineer job scheduling software, GasTech used a PDF-based system for completing engineer reports and forms, but it did not provide data or any tracking, and gathering reports was proving time-consuming and inefficient.

Craig Firth, Director at GasTech, says:

“With our growing workload, we knew we needed to completely change the way we managed our service operations, and in particular, we needed to reduce the time engineers spent filling out forms,”

Craig continued:

“We undertook extensive research into the available systems on the market, and it was clear that BigChange was very easy to use and would take away the administrative headaches from engineers so they could be more productive.”

JobWatch is used by engineers for everything from risk assessments to method statements, procedures, boiler and appliance manuals, job cards, and quotations. It allows engineers to manage their work themselves, knowing that the central office system will always be fully synchronised, whether night or day.

The GasTech fleet is equipped with BigChange vehicle tracking, which provides useful real-time data for customer services and historical records for management analysis and proof of service. GasTech engineers also have immediate access to useful data such as the customer history with records of previous work on-site, and they can also see what parts are available throughout the company, including stock held on other vans.

Craig added:

“With BigChange, we have a real-time paperless solution, and there are significant benefits, especially in the reduction of administrative work. We no longer have to chase engineers for their reports; everything is immediately available,”

“For customer service, the system is very helpful. It allows us to provide a smooth, seamless service and little features like automated text messages telling customers that an engineer is about to arrive are really great.”

GasTech also appreciates the benefits of fast and accurate invoicing, reducing disputes, and the ability to raise quotations in an instant is proving really useful. This allows the company to get a quick agreement for any additional remedial work while the engineer is already on site.

Final thoughts:

“With BigChange, we are simply more efficient and professional. Jobs can be scheduled off a phone or tablet in an instant, and when extra work is needed on-site, it used to take up to a week to get together a quote for additional work. By then, the engineer may have been long gone. Now we can get a quote issued the same day.”

BigChange Gastech office and tablet

5th March 2019


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