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CEO’s Blog – CASE STUDY C S Ellis

4 December 2014

Home > Case Study

> CEO’s Blog – CASE STUDY C S Ellis

Finding the right technology to support a market leader.

C S Ellis (Group) ltd is a 4th generation family business, founded in 1933 with hard working, traditional family ethics at its core. The business is still entirely family owned and run. CS Ellis are also members of the Palletline network. They operate distribution centres in the midlands along with a large fleet of heavy goods vehicles moving products on behalf of all types of businesses.

James Munton, IT / Health & Safety Manager at CS Ellis, commented

“We now have improved communication between our drivers and our customers. Another big benefit for us has been the ability for our customers to log on, view and monitor their own jobs. There have been many savings including the obvious areas like fuel savings and minimising wear and tear on the vehicles.”

Said James Munton. He also mentioned that they have been able to standardise communications with their mobile workforce since JobWatch came along.

“Its opened up a lot of areas that we’d never looked into before such as the routing and scheduling, making us much more efficient as a business. The customer service has been outstanding and not only does our office get great service but our drivers can call or message BigChange on the go to request a RoadCrew Customer Service call and get support directly. This alone would make me buy the system.”

Said Munton.

BigChange CS Ellis heart

Martin Port
Founder & CEO

4th December 2014


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