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How to identify your ideal field service management customers and get more of them

5 February 2022

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> How to identify your ideal field service management customers and get more of them

Read this article to learn how to identify your ideal field service management customers and get more of them.

When it comes to attracting customers to your field service business, it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. 

Different customers have different requirements, which is important to consider when considering the type of customers who are most likely to use your services and why. 

86% of customers say they would pay more for superior customer service. So, determining exactly who your perfect customers are will allow you to grow your business. 

But, with so much to consider, where do you start? 

This blog will provide our top tips for identifying your ideal customers in just a few simple steps. 

Why is it so important to know who your ideal customers are? 

Unsurprisingly, companies that focus on delivering a superior customer experience bring in 5.7 times more revenue than those that don’t focus on their clients’ needs.

Therefore, it pays to hone in on your ideal customer and learn who they are so you can deliver outstanding services that alleviate their unique challenges.

Understanding who your ideal customers are and their challenges will allow you to meet their needs through your customer service. 

Why is it so important to know who your ideal customers are? 

Unsurprisingly, companies that focus on delivering a superior customer experience bring in 5.7 times more revenue than those that don’t focus on their clients’ needs.

Therefore, it pays to hone in on your ideal customer and learn who they are so you can deliver outstanding services that alleviate their unique challenges.

Understanding who your ideal customers are and their challenges will allow you to meet their needs through your customer service. 

5 simple steps for identifying your ideal customers 

Here are four simple steps you can take to identify your ideal customers:

💡 Know your products and services 

46% of customers say they will abandon a brand if they’re not knowledgeable about what they do. 

So, one of the best things you can do to attract the right customers is to know your products and services inside out. 

However, when it comes to a solid understanding of your business, you need to consider what your customers want to know. 

Consider the following:

✅ What can you offer your customers?
✅ What are your customer’s pain points?
✅ How can your business solve customers’ pain points? 
✅ Why should customers choose you over your competitors?
✅ What are your unique selling points? 
✅ Who benefits the most from your product or services?

Remember, your first point of call should be your current customer base to find out who is currently providing the most value. This will give you the answers you need to understand your company. 

🎯 Determine your business goals 

Once you know who your ideal customers are, the next step is to decide on what you want to achieve. 

Are you satisfied with the customers you’re currently attracting? If not, why? 

What do you need to do to attract a different customer base? 

You may have been attracting one-off jobs for smaller customers but would rather focus on large, longer-term commercial contracts. As a result, you’ll need to create a plan to work towards these goals. 

Think about the following activities to reach your target: 

  • Re-branding 
  • Offering different services 
  • Changing the way you talk about your business 
  • Networking 

🔢 Collect and analyse data 

Another vital piece of the puzzle when identifying your ideal customers is analysing existing customer data. 

Analyse the following elements:

✅ Customer feedback 
✅ Sales statistics 
✅ Customer churn rate 
✅ Past interactions 
✅ Successes 
✅ Mistakes 

All of these elements provide insights into what you’re doing well and areas that need improvements. 

However, if you’re not collecting data or rely on error-prone spreadsheets, paper documents, and legacy systems to store information, you won’t be able to identify any patterns or trends in your data. 

Having a relying CRM system in place allows you to look at all past customer interactions to gather a complete picture of your customers in one place. It’s also a great way to gather customer feedback. 

As a result, you’ll have all the details you need to continue making improvements to your business, and customers will feel more valued. 

🙋 Build customer profiles 

Once your research has been completed and your business goals in place, you need to build customer profiles or personas. This should include everything you know about the people you’re trying to target. 

This list isn’t exhaustive, but you should think about the following: 

  • Their age range
  • Their gender
  • Their location
  • Their relationship status (e.g., are they single? Do they have any children?)
  • What influences their buying decisions?
  • What problem(s) do they need to solve?
  • What concerns might they have about purchasing your goods and/or services?
  • How much are they willing to spend?
  • What are the best ways to reach this customer? (e.g., do they use Facebook frequently? Or perhaps they’re an avid email user)

All of these questions help to build a clear picture of the people most likely to buy from your business. 

Remember, the more in-depth you go when creating a customer avatar, the more knowledge you’ll have to attract the right customers to your business and build customer relationships effectively. 

💻 Implement a CRM system 

A field service CRM system allows you to collect customer data and provides full visibility over every single customer interaction, from phone calls to emails and satisfaction surveys. 

As a result, you have an excellent understanding of what’s working and what isn’t. Then, you can keep improving your offerings and reach your business goals more rapidly. 

An effective CRM system will also help you increase efficiency across your business by providing your customer service team and mobile workers with a full view of each customer’s profile and service history. 

🔍 How do you find more of your ideal customers? 

Once you know your perfect customers, you can use this information to guide your sales and marketing strategies to attract more of them. 

But how do you do this? 

✅Advertise in the places they spend the most time 

✅Address their pain points in your sales and marketing messages 

✅Communicate with them in the way they prefer to be communicated with 

✅Encourage referrals from your existing ideal customers

Targeting your ideal customers is the best way to drive growth and profitability for your business. 

Key takeaways 

Identifying your ideal customers is key to business growth. It will help you know who your most valuable customers are, their pain points, and how you can improve your customer service and processes to meet their needs and attract more similar customers. 

Knowing who these customers are will help you to avoid providing services for customers who are harder to sell to, don’t spend as much money, or do not drive as much profit for your business. 

Therefore, focusing on your best customers will help you grow your business faster without spending as much time or money on driving new business and making a profit. 

Want to find out more?

Discover how BigChange’s field service management software can make your business grow stronger here and arrange a free demo today.

5th February 2022


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