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Why is Customer Experience Important for a Business? The Top 4 Reasons

28 January 2022

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> Why is Customer Experience Important for a Business? The Top 4 Reasons

Find out more about the key benefits of improving customer experience in field service management by reading our blog.

Customer experience (CX) has quickly become a top priority for businesses. 

In fact, 89% of businesses compete primarily on the basis of customer experience. 

In addition, 42% of customers will pay more if they’re offered a warm and friendly customer experience. 

In this blog, we’ll look at why it’s important for field service businesses to deliver better customer experiences.

Why is customer experience so important?

Customers are no longer loyal to companies based on prices, products, or services alone. Instead, they expect seamless experiences that anticipate their needs.

Therefore, organisations that don’t stay ahead of the curve and deliver outstanding services risk being superseded by their competitors. 

However, the good news is that implementing a great customer experience doesn’t have to be costly or challenging and offers a range of benefits. 

Top 4 benefits of improving customer experience 

Aside from the obvious benefit of keeping your customers happy, improving customer service also offers more advantages.

1. Increase revenue 

According to research, satisfied customers contribute 2.6 times as much revenue as a somewhat satisfied customer and 14 times as much as a somewhat dissatisfied customer. 

As a result, businesses that make customer experience a priority profit more than those that don’t. 

📈How to improve customer experience to drive revenue 

Impressing your customers at each stage of their journeys means they will have a positive impression of your company and service. 

As a result, you’ll find that they’re willing to pay a premium for your excellent services instead of using another cheaper company that continues to use outdated and inconvenient processes.

Additionally, personalising your interactions with your customers helps to keep them even more satisfied. 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides a personalised experience. 

🧰Top tools 

Implementing a CRM (customer relationship management) system allows you to anticipate clients’ needs and exceed their expectations. 

Therefore, your back-office workflows will ensure that procedures are followed to a tee for every customer, streamlining their experience and ensuring they’re satisfied. 

It allows you to use digital, custom-branded templates to provide your customers with regular updates on their job status, keeping them in the loop without adding taxing administration tasks to your team’s to-do list.

2. Retain loyal customers 

Did you know that 82% of emotionally engaged customers use the same company when they need something and are less likely to shop around? 

Plus, 70% of emotionally engaged customers spend up to two times more on the brands they are loyal to. 

However, if you want to keep customers emotionally engaged, you need to make them feel valued at every buyer journey stage. This is a key way to improve brand loyalty and keep your existing customers.

Customer retention provides the following benefits: 

✅Increases profits 

✅Satisfied customers will recommend your business and provide positive reviews 

✅Returning customers spend more 

✅Repeat customers offer a greater ROI than acquiring new customers 

🛒How to improve customer experience to retain loyal customers 

One of the key ways businesses lose customers is due to poor customer service. 

So, ensure you provide excellent customer experience by implementing effective tools to anticipate their needs and understand what they’re likely to need from the moment they look to book your service to the completion of the job and payment. 

Customers are looking for rapid, convenient service and will be more likely to use companies that provide this again in the future. 

🧰Top tools 

Luckily, anticipating your customer’s needs and making them feel appreciated isn’t challenging with the right technology in place. Implementing job management software allows you to: 

💻Provide your customers with an easy-to-use portal where they can book and manage their appointment without needing to waste time on the phone

📨Send customers personalised, real-time notifications on the status of their job 

👷Technians can complete all paperwork from their mobile device and issue it directly to the customer for instant invoicing and payment

3. Turn customers into advocates for your business 

93% of customers use online reviews to influence their purchasing decisions when researching products and services. 

In addition, 68% of customers are willing to pay up to 15% more for products or services if they know they will have a better experience. 

Therefore, you must ensure your CX is worth shouting about to keep customers happy. 

🌟How to improve customer experience to turn customers into advocates

Customers who feel like your company truly cares about their needs, even after their job is completed, will be more satisfied and willing to recommend your product or services to their friends, family, and professional network. 

Top ways to offer this: 

🌟Be proactive: always think of what your customers will need at every stage of the customer journey.

🌟Be available on a range of channels: customers want to get in touch with you in their preferred way. Being available on a range of channels allows them to choose the most convenient communication method for them.

🌟Be personal: address customers by their name in all interactions and remember their details to make the whole customer journey run smoothly. 

🌟Ask for feedback: show customers that their opinions on your service matter to you by actively asking for their feedback post-sale. This also allows you to measure customer satisfaction and make further improvements to your business. 

🧰Top tools 

Implementing a CRM system provides a 360˚ of all of your customers and allows you to delight customers at the touch of a button. 

It gives you the ability to log every call, email, and customer interaction, so you never lose critical information about a customer’s job. 

In addition, you can share and allocate cases through custom tickets and notes to ensure that your team deals with and resolves customer queries as soon as possible for a seamless workflow. 

4. Stand out from your competitors 

It’s no surprise that companies that prioritise CX outperform those that don’t by nearly 80%.

Today’s customers are used to speedy, digital buying experiences, so manual processes and antiquated legacy systems aren’t going to cut it anymore.  

Businesses that adopt modern workforce management platforms are likely to stand out from competitors. 

The ability to provide customers with a good customer experience will help to set you miles ahead of competitors who fail to change and continue using outdated systems, making service inconvenient for customers. 

🧰Top tools

Implementing cloud-based field service management software allows you to:

✅Eliminate burdensome, long-winded admin tasks 

✅Provide the back-office team with more time to focus on delivering exceptional service to customers 

✅Easily schedule jobs, dispatch workers and provide customers with real-time status updates

✅Allow technicians to carry out each job to a high standard 

✅Instantly send customers the necessary paperwork directly from their mobile device using an app 

As a result, you can manage the entire end-to-end process in one place delighting customers and making your back office team’s lives simpler simultaneously. 

Providing a smooth customer experience will set you apart from companies that continue to rely on paper-based documents and spreadsheets to manage their operations. Consequently, your business will thrive. 

Key takeaways 

Customer experience is essential for the success of modern businesses. 

Customer expectations have changed and they expect a convenient, easy-to-use service with a company that appreciates their loyalty. Customer-centric businesses are more likely to retain existing customers and spend less on acquiring new customers, resulting in improvements in the business’s bottom line. 

As a result, improving your service and implementing the latest technology will help you to:

✅Keep customers satisfied

✅Boost your profits 

✅Deliver a positive customer experience at every level 

Find out how BigChange can help your business, book a free demo today. Get more helpful guides and tips delivered to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter below.

28th January 2022


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